A BBC Radio Four Audio Report: Uganda will not Attend the Lambeth Conference

Herewith the BBC blurb:

The Anglican Church of Uganda has announced that its bishops will not be attending this year’s Lambeth Conference, the meeting of worldwide Anglicanism that takes place once a decade. The Ugandan bishops cited what they called the “crisis” over homosexuality. The most Reverend Henry Orombi, the Archbishop of Uganda, talked to Sunday.

Stefan Stern writes about business and management issues for the Financial Times. In a recent column he turned his attention to the challenges facing the Archbishop of Canterbury. He discussed his take on the Anglican ‘brand’.

Listen to it all (just under 9 minutes).


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Provinces, Church of Uganda, Lambeth 2008

One comment on “A BBC Radio Four Audio Report: Uganda will not Attend the Lambeth Conference

  1. edistobeachwalker says:

    A very impressive and statesmanlike performance from Archbishop Orombi. Though he deftly understates it, it is clear that Rowan Williams is a large part of the problem in the Communion esepcially of late, something that groups like the ACI fail to recognize at their peril.